This November, the American people voted to elect our next president, Congress, and a host of state and local officials. Since 1977, ANPR members, all of whom contribute to the conservation of our shared natural and cultural heritage, have supported the priorities of nationally elected officials to manage our national parks and assist NPS employees.
This election happened during our annual in-person Ranger Rendezvous 47, in Rapid City, South Dakota. On election night and in the days that followed, we discussed the outcome with many of our attending members.
We understand the necessity of working productively with all elected administrations. We steward the institutions that deliver for the American people, and we maintain the knowledge and expertise that make it possible to accomplish elected officials’ priorities.
We understand and firmly believe our role is to implement the priorities of these officials within the bounds of the law. Under past administrations, ANPR members have provided perspective on the appropriate ways to accomplish policy objectives, and we will continue to do so under this and future administrations.
We will continue to contribute to the parks' missions to conserve the plants, animals, and human history that make them special and to help visitors experience their natural and cultural landscapes. We will also advocate on behalf of the staff who steward these special places so that they have the resources needed to continue their important work.