Ranger Rendezvous 47

Supernaugh Scholarship Application

Since 2007, Bill Supernaugh Memorial Scholarships have allowed early-career employees, NPS volunteers, students, and those new to ANPR to experience the annual Ranger Rendezvous and learn about ANPR. Bill Supernaugh was an ANPR life member, an avid supporter of the Association, and an NPS employee for over 40 years. Scholarships are funded by the generous support of ANPR members.

Any ANPR member who has not attended a Rendezvous is eligible to apply. Applications are being accepted through Aug. 15, 2025, with scholarships being announced by Sept. 1, 2025. If selected, applicants will be expected to attend the entire duration of Ranger Rendezvous (Nov. 5-9), and to be assigned to various tasks/functions to support the Ranger Rendezvous.

If selected, benefits include complimentary event registration, 5 nights in a double occupant room at the event property, $300 in reimbursable travel expenses, and a one-year membership to ANPR.

Note: Any person who applies for a Supernaugh scholarship and is not selected will be able to register at the early-bird rate past the deadline.

We recommend completing the application in a separate document and pasting your responses here.

Start Application.