The Association of National Park Rangers is extending its offer of free membership to National Park Service employees’ whose jobs were affected by COVID-19. These rangers have until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday, July 12, 2020 to sign up.
Since enrollment opened this June, ANPR has welcomed more than 80 new members who would have worked in the divisions of administration, interpretation, law enforcement, and resource management at more than 40 parks across the United States.
“This response is exactly what we’d hoped for,” ANPR President, Paul Anderson, said. “ANPR is working with our new members to provide meaningful opportunities to develop skills, discuss the state of park management, and make professional connections. Not being in a park is definitely a loss, but we’re working to connect our members, and most especially seasonals, with tools that keep them ready to get back out in the field.”
ANPR knows visitors count on NPS staff to orient them at visitor centers and fee booths, enforce the rules that keep park resources safe, clean and repair park facilities, provide interpretive programs, and complete scientific research that helps the NPS protect parks across the country.
All NPS employees, and especially seasonals, count on work in parks not only as a means of support but also to develop the skills and professional relationships that enhance their service in the National Park System.
If you are a displaced NPS employee:
ANPR knows it is hard to be separated from the parks we love and the work you were counting on. ANPR will support you in this difficult time, and want you to know we are here to help.
Fill out our form by July 10, 2020 and you will be entitled to all the benefits of an annual membership!
ANPR always has and always will support those who pursue ranger careers, and we’re proud to have you join us.
If you want to support displaced employees:
You can help ANPR support the enrollment of new members by gifting a membership. Use our gift member enrollment page and simply type “COVID-19” in all of the boxes coded for the gift membership recipient.