


Section A. Name

The name of the organization shall be: “THE ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL PARK RANGERS.”

Section B. Purposes
  1. The Association of National Park Rangers shall be an organization to communicate for, about, and with National Park Rangers; to promote and enhance the park ranger profession and its spirit; to support management and the perpetuation of the National Park Service and the National Park System; and to provide a forum for social enrichment.
  2. The Association shall provide education and other training to develop and/or improve knowledge and skills of park rangers and those interested in the profession. The Association shall provide a forum for discussion of common concerns of park rangers and provide information to the public.
  3. The membership of ANPR is comprised of individuals who are entrusted with and committed to the care, study, explanation and/or protection of those natural, cultural, and recreational resources included in the National Park System and persons who support these efforts.”
Section C. Legislative Involvement

To the maximum extent possible, consistent with the goal of upholding the park ranger profession, the Association will work with the Service to maintain a high standard of resource protection and service to visitors. Proposals for legislative action or advocacy for or against legislation will be limited to instances when such measures are crucial to the well-being of the park ranger profession as a whole, as determined by the Board of Directors. When a position on legislation is called for by such a situation, the primary emphasis will be upon providing information on the Association’s position as a professional organization and the reasons for that position.

Section D. Advocacy

In addition to the involvement in Section C., above, the Association will work toward the betterment of the profession and the System in matters involving policies and procedures of the National Park Service and other Federal agencies and will advocate appropriate actions and policies.


Section A. Corporate Entity
  1. The Association of National Park Rangers is a non-profit corporation organized and existing pursuant to membership corporation laws of the District of Columbia.

  2. The general purposes for which this corporation is formed are to operate exclusively for such educational purposes as will qualify it as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Laws, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations, which qualify to tax- exempt organizations under that code.


Section A. Abbreviations
  1. The Association of National Park Rangers may be abbreviated to the “Association” or to the “ANPR.”
  2. The Board of Directors may be abbreviated to the “Board."
Section B. Definitions
  1. The word “Ranger” as used herein includes all persons performing the wide range of traditional ranger profession duties or persons who support these duties in perpetuation of the National Park System and the National Park Service (Ranger at Heart). In the Association there shall be no distinction made among the different specialties of the Park Ranger profession or other work disciplines of the National Park Service such as: interpretation and resource education, resource and visitor protection, cultural and natural resource management, maintenance, administration, public use management, fee collection, fire management, science, or park management.
  2. A “position” is the official point of view or attitude of the Association on a particular question. (See Article XX for how positions are established.)
  3. A “policy” is a plan or course of action designed to influence and determine actions, decided by the Board in accordance with the BYLAWS. Policies flow from official Association positions and are formulated by the Board and articulated by the President.
  4. A “procedure” is a set of established methods for conducting the affairs of the Association. Procedures are established by the Board in accordance with the BYLAWS.


Section A. General

Membership in the Association of National Park Rangers shall be open to all individuals interested in the National Park Ranger profession and persons who support the profession in perpetuation of the national park system and the National Park Service (Rangers at Heart) regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or mental or physical disability.

Section B. Membership Designations
  1. Membership of the Association shall be divided into:
    1. Active Member - Any person interested in the purposes and goals of the ANPR. Active Members include both members who pay annual dues and life members.
    2. Supporting Member - Any individual who is not eligible for or interested in being an Active Member, or an organization, wishing to support the purposes of the Association of National Park Rangers.
    3. Honorary Member - Any person or organization nominated by an Active Member for significant contributions to the Ranger profession or to the Association of National Park Rangers. Nominations will be submitted to the ANPR President, who will submit the nomination to the ANPR Board of Directors. Approval requires a majority vote of the Board.
    4. Inactive Life Member - Any Life Member for whom an active/valid email address, phone number, or mailing address cannot be determined through procedures approved by the Board. Inactive Life Member status shall remain in effect until such time as the Member re- establishes contact or ANPR has evidence of death.
  2. An individual may be an active and an honorary member at the same time.
Section C. Voting Membership
  1. Voting membership of the Association shall consist of Active and Honorary Members only.
  2. Voting; holding office (see additional provisions in Article XI, Section B(3)); nominating; having a hearing before expulsion; presenting motions, resolutions or other business; inspecting official records of the Association; and insisting on enforcement of the rules of Association shall be limited to the voting membership with the understanding that certain legal requirements for inspection of official records will be honored.
Section D. Non-Voting Membership
  1. Supporting Members
  2. Inactive Life Member
Section E. Membership Approval
  1. Active Members upon the payment of the required dues.
  2. Supporting Members upon the payment of the required dues and the approval of the President of the ANPR.
Section F. Membership Forfeiture
  1. Any member who brings discredit upon the Association may be suspended, for just cause, by the Board, provided that no Active Member shall be so suspended without a hearing, if so requested, at the next regular Board meeting.
Section G. Transfer of Membership

Membership may not be transferred.


Section A. Dues Rates
  1. Membership dues will be announced annually. The dues rates may be changed by two-thirds vote of the Board or by majority vote of the membership at the Annual Rendezvous.
  2. Each membership shall include a subscription to ANPR publication(s), “Ranger,” and others, when developed, for a period equal to the membership paid.
Section B. Funds
  1. The Association may collect, raise, or disburse funds for the accomplishment of its objectives.
  2. Board Members, Officers, and Work Group Members will serve without pay, but, after approval by the President, may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred while attending to Association business.
Section C. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the ANPR, all existing assets of the Association shall be donated to one or more recognized non-profit organizations established for the purpose of furthering the goals of the National Park System as stated in the Act of August 25, 1916, and according to a plan of distribution approved by the Board.


Section A. Membership Period
  1. Dues shall be paid to the Business Manager.
  2. A membership year is 12 months as determined by the board of directors.
Section B. Life Membership

Upon payment of the appropriate dues, an individual may become a Life Member, in either the Active Member or Associate Member categories.


Section A. Written Instruments

The Association shall be controlled through written instruments, each defining authority and responsibility of appropriate activities. In order for precedence, these shall be: Articles of Incorporation, BY-LAWS, Positions, Policy, and Procedures for the conduct of business.

Section B. Governing Bodies

The Governing Bodies of the Association shall be, in order of precedence:

  1. Board of Directors
  2. Officers
  3. Voting Membership


Section A. Directors
  1. The governing body of the Association shall be a Board of Directors composed of persons elected by the voting Members of the Association, or by the Board of Directors.
  2. . The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, President-Elect (non-voting), Secretary, Treasurer, and eight Board members for: Education and Training, Fundraising, Internal Communications, Membership Services, Professional Issues, Seasonal Perspectives, Government Affairs, and Strategic Planning. Ad hoc members may be appointed by the President as approved by the Board.
  3. All Board members shall represent the membership at large.
  4. In order to be eligible for the Board, a person must be an active member. Supporting Members, and Honorary Members who are not also Active Members are not eligible for the Board.
Section B. Officers

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.

Section C. Term of Office
  1. Board members, except the President and the President-Elect shall be elected for a term of three years each, unless they are filling the remainder of a term.
  2. No more than four of the Board members will be elected each year due to expiration of terms. Regular elections in three alternating years shall be grouped as follows:
    1. Year 1: President-Elect; Board members for Fund Raising Activities and Membership Services.
    2. Year 2: Secretary; Board members for Professional Issues, Seasonal Perspectives, and Government Affairs.
    3. Year 3: Treasurer; Board members for Education and Training, Internal Communications, and Strategic Planning.
  3. Elected members of the Board may not serve more than two consecutive terms of three years each in the same office, except the President, who may not serve more than one term.
  4. The President-Elect shall serve as a non-voting Board member for one year before assuming the position of President. The President will serve for three years as a voting member.
Section D. Authority

The Board shall have the authority to accomplish or establish the following:

  1. Procedures and dates for all elections.
  2. Procedures and dates for all meetings.
  3. Rules for nominations, control, and conduct of the Board and support personnel.
  4. Functions, responsibilities, and authority of the Association officers and support personnel.
  5. Positions, policies and procedures relative to the conduct of the Association business.
  6. Recommendations and revisions to BYLAWS, except revisions to Article XVI can only be made according to the terms in said Article.
  7. Spend funds to support Association activities.
  8. Remove a Board Member by a 2/3 majority vote for the following reasons:
    1. Conflict of interest, unethical behavior, malfeasance or other cause, as determined by the Board.
    2. Upon the unexcused absence of a Board member from a second consecutive Board meeting, or three unexcused absences during a year. An absence is "unexcused" when an absent Board member has made no verbal or written contact with the President or the Secretary before or after the first absence or before the second consecutive absence.
  9. By a two-thirds vote, appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the term of a vacant Board position.


Section A-1 - President
  1. In addition to such other authority as the Board may delegate, the President’s duties shall include the following:
    1. Preside at all meetings of the Association, and serve as Chairperson of the Board.
    2. Carry out the purposes of the Association as set forth in its Instruments of Control.
    3. Keep the Board informed of Association matters.
    4. Make appointments to fill vacancies in office.
  2. The President shall have authority to:
    1. Carry out his/her duties as delegated in this Article and those policies duly appointed by the Board.
    2. Appoint and/or dissolve special committees to perform tasks deemed necessary during his/her term.
    3. Incur and/or authorize reasonable and proper expense in accordance with the policies of the Board.
    4. Engage legal counsel.
    5. Engage a Business Manager, Executive Director, or other staff assistance, in accordance with Article XIII, Section A.
    6. Approve all publications.
Section A-2 - President-Elect (non-voting)
  1. First year of the four-year term is spent learning the duties of the President and the issues of the Association.
  2. Serves as assistant to the President responsible for the Partnerships and Public Relations role of coordinating efforts to build and maintain strong relationships with other organizations that share an interest in the National Park Service.
  3. Succeeds to the title, office, and authority of the president in the event the president resigns.
  4. Serves as the Association’s Public Information Officer, coordinating media relations.
Section B. Secretary
  1. The Secretary shall perform the usual duties devolving upon the office except as otherwise provided by the Board. He/she shall provide reports on ANPR activities as the Board requires.
  2. He/she shall maintain a close working relationship with the Business Manager and Executive Director, and shall retain the duties of maintaining meeting minutes, formal correspondence, and of conducting and recording all elections.
  3. He/she shall work with the Business Manager and Executive Director to maintain all historical records, files, and the library of the ANPR.
  4. He/she shall maintain the compendium of all Board and membership positions, policies, procedures, and other decisions.
Section C. Treasurer
  1. He/she is authorized to maintain bank accounts for Association business, to disburse Association Funds (except as constrained by Article XVI in regard to the Investment Account, and to deposit surplus funds in Association savings accounts. He/she shall review ANPR bank account statements on a quarterly basis.
  2. He/she shall work with the Business Manager to establish audit policies for all Association accounts and assure an annual audit, prepare and maintain all tax records, prepare and maintain an Association budget, and establish and maintain accounting policies for all receipts and expenditures.
  3. He/she will be responsible for drafting all contractual agreements for review by Legal Counsel and the President.
Section D. Board Member for Education and Training
  1. Responsible for coordinating efforts to provide education and developmental opportunities to improve the knowledge and skills of park rangers and others interested in the profession.
Section E. Board Member for Fund Raising Activities
  1. Responsible for developing fund-raising strategies and for coordinating efforts to obtain financial support from sources external to the organization.
Section F. Board Member for Internal Communications
  1. Responsible for coordinating the Association’s communications function, including Ranger, Situation Reports, e-mail, special mailings, etc.
Section G. Board Member for Membership Services
  1. Responsible for recruitment and coordinating efforts to build and retain a strong membership base.
Section H. Board Member for Seasonal Perspectives
  1. Responsible for ensuring that the actions of the Board reflect the concerns of seasonal and field employees. Gathers data and information related to those issues and provides recommendations to the Board.
Section I. Board Member for Government Affairs
  1. Responsible for coordinating ANPR activities relative to legislative and policy actions. Coordinate the preparation of Congressional testimony and correspondence with the Administration and Congress.
Section J. Board Member for Professional Issues
  1. Responsible for coordinating the efforts of the association with respect to the major professional occupations with the Service and other professional occupations which are considered critical because of their importance to the well-being of the National Park System.
Section K. Board Member for Strategic Planning
  1. Responsible for managing implementation of specific items of the Strategic Plan.
Section L. Succession
  1. In the event the President is unable to serve during those years there is not a President-elect, the Presidential duties will be assumed by the Board Member for Strategic Planning.


Section A. Board Meetings
  1. The Board may conduct business at either a duly called meeting or, alternatively, through a written ballot; or, under unusual circumstances, by telephone ballot or electronic mail or a combination of electronic mail, telephone, and written ballot.
  2. The Board meetings shall be held at such times and places as the President may direct. Meetings shall be held at least once annually, in conjunction with the annual Ranger Rendezvous.
  3. In order to assure presence of a quorum at all duly-called meetings of the Board, the President shall provide written notice of time, place, and proposed agenda to all Board members, by mail, fax, e-mail, or website posting, no later than 14 days prior to the date of the proposed meeting.
  4. A quorum of the Board for any duly called meeting shall be defined as the presence of 60% of the voting members of the Board and a presiding officer. Official business may not be conducted in the absence of a quorum.
  5. Board members, once elected, may not further delegate their responsibility of representation to alternates or other members. Board members may infrequently exercise the rights to vote by proxy, subject to the following provisions:
    1. Proxy votes may not be counted in the determination of a quorum.
    2. Proxy votes must be tendered, in writing, to the President or presiding officer prior to a Board vote on any issue.
    3. Only those issues enumerated on the published agenda may be voted by proxy. Open-ended proxy to an individual for floor vote will not be allowed.
  6. The Secretary shall cause to be published or made available to the general membership a record of attendance and results of votes cast at duly-called meetings of the Board. Substantive decisions reached by the Board shall also be published or made available to the general membership. This record shall be available within 90 days following a board meeting.


Section A.

All offices and Board members are elected from and by the general membership at large.

Section B. Election Procedures
  1. An Election committee shall be established pursuant to Article XII consisting of at least two members appointed by the President, with one member serving as chair.
  2. In addition to such other authority as the President may delegate, the duties of the committee shall include the following:
    1. Establish a process to help ensure that the best interested, qualified, and committed candidates are identified and nominated to serve as members of the Board of Directors, if so elected.
    2. Receive resumes/applications from interested members.
    3. Nominate qualified applicants for open positions at the Rendezvous.
  3. Nominations for vacant positions on the Board will be received at each annual Ranger Rendezvous, or by mail, fax, or e-mail to the Secretary or any election committee member no later than 7 days following the Rendezvous. Nominations may be made by the election committee or by any active member. The Secretary or a designated representative must receive nominee information within 14 days after Rendezvous. The Secretary or a designated representative will prepare ballots within 20 days following the Rendezvous; the deadline for receipt back to the Chair of the Election Committee is 15 days after ballots were sent to the membership. The ballots will be prepared so as to allow write-in votes from the membership for each position listed. Those elected will take office on January 1, or the date of count, if after January 1, following the Rendezvous of nomination.
    1. In order to appear on the ballot (and be elected to serve on the Board), a candidate who accepts a nomination must self-certify (using methods including but not limited to verbal affirmation at Rendezvous, email to Board member(s), the Board or the Election committee, or through notification of the ANPR Business Manager) that they once worked as a paid employee or volunteer of the National Park Service.
      1. If a candidate cannot, does not, or refuses to self-certify that they once worked as a paid employee or volunteer of the NPS, their candidacy is void, and they cannot be elected to the Board.
      2. Before, during, or after the election, any member of the Board may, at their discretion, seek to independently confirm board candidates’ credentials to ensure they once worked as paid employees or volunteers of the National Park Service.
  4. Votes shall be counted by the plurality system as defined in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.


The President may, at his/her discretion, or by direction of the Board, designate the management of any properties of the Association and the performance of any tasks or activities to such committees as he/she sees fit. Committees may be appointed as standing or special committees depending upon the determination of the President.


Section A. Contracting Procedure
  1. The Executive Director and the Business Manager shall be contracted upon a recommendation by the President and approval by a two-thirds vote by the Board. When so contracted each shall automatically be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board.
  2. Terms and agreement of a contract shall be determined by the Board.
Section B. Delegation of Supervision

The supervision of the Executive Director and the Business Manager shall be the responsibility of